Examine the fields in the spreadsheet. Classify, sort, or group the data in a way that the outliers become apparent. An example would be to sort by the total cancellations. Keep all data, but highlight the sales consultants that are outliers. Submit the newly modified spreadsheet. In a 1 page paper, you will analyze the data for trends that span over the course of the entire data set. Identify sales consultants that indicate a progression towards noncompliance. Explain why you have identified them. Florida Turnpike System – Road Ranger Calls Type of Call Year 2013 Year 2014 No Assistance Required 22,091 31,223 Disabled / Stranded Motorist 32,674 32,122 Maintenance of Traffic During Accidents 4,284 2,040 Debris Removal and Abandoned Vehicles 41,837 30,882 How would this data be best presented? Consider different types of charts and graphs that would best depict the data. After creating a visual representation, provide a short summary of the data. Include any percentage of increase or decrease from year to year. Sales System Number Date of Sale Extract Date Sales Consultant ID State Territory Tax Type Total Contracts Total Sales Total Cancellations 265801-2014111 10/1/2014 11/1/2014 35353356 NY DOWNSTATE NEW YORK W2 10 $30,291.00 1 265801-2014111 10/1/2014 11/1/2014 66464667 GA ATLANTA-NORTH GEORGIA W2 4 $39,999.00 0 315320-2014111 10/3/2014 11/1/2014 57575758 FL SOUTH FLORIDA 1099 11 $92,829.00 1 265980-2014111 10/3/2014 11/1/2014 75265980 NY DOWNSTATE NEW YORK W2 4 $44,255.00 2 329247-2014111 10/5/2014 11/1/2014 83748200 TX SAN ANTONIO 1099 0 $0.00 0 399053-2014111 10/10/2014 11/1/2014 26354410 FL SOUTH FLORIDA 1099 5 $20,100.00 1 407197-2014111 10/11/2014 11/1/2014 33407197 AR ARKANSAS 1099 0 $7,881.00 0 407886-2014111 10/12/2014 11/1/2014 40278386 AR ARKANSAS 1099 1 $10,000.00 0 410718-2014111 10/13/2014 11/1/2014 41107218 MS MISSISSIPPI 1099 11 $83,641.00 5 265005-2014111 10/14/2014 11/1/2014 26150025 NY DOWNSTATE NEW YORK W2 13 $0.00 13 265288-2014111 10/20/2014 11/1/2014 26354410 FL SOUTH FLORIDA 1099 0 $0.00 0 265440-2014111 10/20/2014 11/1/2014 26354410 FL SOUTH FLORIDA 1099 7 $44,242.00 0 265778-2014111 10/20/2014 11/1/2014 26356778 FL SOUTH FLORIDA W2 1 $555.00 0 265758-2014111 10/20/2014 11/1/2014 26457518 NY DOWNSTATE NEW YORK W2 9 $80,000.00 0 265068-2014111 10/20/2014 11/1/2014 26520168 NY DOWNSTATE NEW YORK W2 10 $45,000.00 0 265609-2014111 10/20/2014 11/1/2014 26526109 NY DOWNSTATE NEW YORK W2 25 $54,535.00 0 265862-2014111 9 $24,222.00 0 266104-2014111 10/25/2014 11/1/2014 26161204 NY DOWNSTATE NEW YORK W2 4 $14,344.00 0 265823-2014111 10/25/2014 11/1/2014 26531823 IL ILLINOIS W2 1 $6,566.00 0 330618-2014111 10/26/2014 11/1/2014 33011618 KY KENTUCKY 1099 1 $250.00 0 332509-2014111 10/26/2014 11/1/2014 33255099 NY DOWNSTATE NEW YORK W2 16 $50,000.00 1 333704-2014111 10/28/2014 11/1/2014 33233704 NY DOWNSTATE NEW YORK 1099 0 $321.00 0 407148-2014111 10/28/2014 11/1/2014 43207148 AR ARKANSAS 1099 3 $600.00 0 265752-2014111 10/30/2014 11/1/2014 26325752 NY DOWNSTATE NEW YORK W2 13 $72,990.00 0 265848-2014111 10/30/2014 11/1/2014 26621106 LA LOUISIANA W2 7 $35,000.00 0 266106-2014111 10/30/2014 11/1/2014 26621106 LA LOUISIANA W2 10 $87,382.00 1 331393-2014111 10/31/2014 11/1/2014 33135393 KY KENTUCKY 1099 9 $21,222.00 0

Course Project- Classify and Analyze Data

Course Project- Classify and Analyze Data
Project description
Use the modified spreadsheet that you submitted in Module 03 for this deliverable.
Examine the fields in the spreadsheet. Classify, sort, or group the data in a way that the outliers become apparent. An example would be to sort by the total cancellations. Keep all data, but highlight the sales consultants that are outliers. Submit the newly modified spreadsheet.
In a 1 page paper, you will analyze the data for trends that span over the course of the entire data set. Identify sales consultants that indicate a progression towards noncompliance. Explain why you have identified them.
Florida Turnpike System – Road Ranger Calls
Type of Call
Year 2013
Year 2014
No Assistance Required
Disabled / Stranded Motorist
Maintenance of Traffic During Accidents
Debris Removal and Abandoned Vehicles
How would this data be best presented? Consider different types of charts and graphs that would best depict the data. After creating a visual representation, provide a short summary of the data. Include any percentage of increase or decrease from year to year.
Course Project- Classify and Analyze Data

Course Project- Classify and Analyze Data
Project description
Use the modified spreadsheet that you submitted in Module 03 for this deliverable.
Examine the fields in the spreadsheet. Classify, sort, or group the data in a way that the outliers become apparent. An example would be to sort by the total cancellations. Keep all data, but highlight the sales consultants that are outliers. Submit the newly modified spreadsheet.
In a 1 page paper, you will analyze the data for trends that span over the course of the entire data set. Identify sales consultants that indicate a progression towards noncompliance. Explain why you have identified them.
Florida Turnpike System – Road Ranger Calls
Type of Call
Year 2013
Year 2014
No Assistance Required
Disabled / Stranded Motorist
Maintenance of Traffic During Accidents
Debris Removal and Abandoned Vehicles
How would this data be best presented? Consider different types of charts and graphs that would best depict the data. After creating a visual representation, provide a short summary of the data. Include any percentage of increase or decrease from year to year.